The Main
ideas of Fatima Mernissi in the article titled Religion and Sate basically trying to clear understanding of the religion
concepts, particularly the issue of equality between men and women so they can
stay relevant in the midst of the demands of tradition and modernization.[1]
Because of it, Mernisi following the pattern of critical and historical
analysis. She started the studies with the question of troubling things. The
most fundamental question is it possible that Islam teaches discrimination
against women? Could the very Apostles were known Trustees issued bear sayings
that trap women? Is it true tradition tend to be discriminatory against women
is Islam? Is not it possible that there were irregularities that appear
patriarchal culture history?
questions showing Mernissi to perform reanalysis and reinterpretation of the
history of the sacred texts (Al-Qur'an and hadits). The study of history is
very important to see the whole debate and the ongoing struggle around issues
of women.[2]
The result, Mernissi discovered that early Muslim historians place it gives
privileges to women in his writings. They are not just talking about female
figure solely as mothers and daughters of men in power, but also women active as
participants and fully engaged in the important events that shape human culture.
Contribution of women with clear and recognized for what it is (without the
plus or minus), either as a companion of Prophet or the writer Hadith.[3]
One of the
interesting things of the article of Mernisi is another matter concern that is
hijab as an instrument restrictions, segregation and exclusion of women from public
space, for Mernissi is a form of religious understanding predominantly by men. Hijab also the separation between the
rulers and the people. Thought hijab
latter is influenced by the realities of power that occurred in the Arab society.
Fatima Mernissi said that:
“Within the
meaning of the hijab headscarf, as the impression to separate women from
society are not known at the time of the Prophet ... [ but ] ... the two
centuries after the Prophet 's death, especially after the Book of
Jurisprudence drafted (second century Hijri) and after Islam spread and
accommodate a variety of local cultures and myths, such as the former Persian
empire and the Roman act firmly against the use of the hijab.”
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